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Lead Service Line Inventory


Yes, that knock on the door from a fellow that says he is from Hallsville Public Works is more than likely Public Works Superintendent Dan McCaleb. (Click here to see his picture ????)

Hallsville Public Works is conducting a lead service line inventory due to new EPA/Mo DNR regulations. The City sent out survey's in January 2023. If you did not return your survey, Mr. McCaleb is going to those homes built before January 1, 1989, when a ban prohibited the use of lead in potable water, or if there is a question on the type of service line that was used. He will be taking pictures of your service line.

In performing the lead service line inventory, they need to know the material of both the City side and the customer owned side of the service line. To complete the inventory, they must record the material composition of your service line and report to the Missouri Department of Natural Resources along with the material of the City's service line.

Public Works will also be doing visual inspections in meter pits to check material composition as well as hydrovac examinations of the service lines. Any holes in yards that are made by the hydrovac, they will come back and repair.

If you get a door hanger, please call or send an email to schedule an appointment for your service line to be looked at so the inventory can be completed before the deadline of October 2024.

Thank you!